
Huffman encoding algorithm24Jan07

The first version of Huffman encoding

C++ CodeC Code

#include <iostream>

#include <map> // a multimap will be used so we have to include it

using namespace std;

void binary(int number) { //thise procedure is used to convert a

int remainder; //number into a binary number

if(number <= 1) {

cout << number;



remainder = number%2;

binary(number >> 1);

cout << remainder;


int main()


char ch, alphabet[31]; //store each char in ch, 31 chars used because of 26 alphabet, dot, comma, space

typedef multimap<int,char> huffman; //make a multimap that will be sorted by integers, we use a multimap

huffman sentence; //because some characters may have the same number of occurences

int i=0,j=0;

for(int j=0; j<31; j++) //alphabet[0..30] = 0;


while((ch=getchar())!=\n) //insert chars into ch until enter(return) is pressed


if(ch==‘ ‘)

alphabet[28]++; //increment number of spaces

else if(ch==‘,’)

alphabet[29]++; //increment number of commas

else if(ch==‘.’)

alphabet[30]++; //increment number of dots


ch = toupper(ch); //convert all chars to upper case

alphabet[(static_cast<int>(ch))-65]++;//increment (char ASCII value) - 65 (this is the index number)



for(int j=0; j<31; j++)


if(alphabet[j]>0) //check if char occured in the text


i++; //count the number of found chars, commas, dots, spaces


sentence.insert(make_pair(alphabet[j],‘ ‘)); //make the pair from space and its occurences

else if(j==29)

sentence.insert(make_pair(alphabet[j],‘,’)); //make the part from comma and its occurences

else if(j==30)

sentence.insert(make_pair(alphabet[j],‘.’)); //make the pair from dot and its occurences


sentence.insert(make_pair(alphabet[j],static_cast<char>(65+j))); //make the pair from chars and its occurences



huffman::iterator pos; //make an iterator for the multimap

for(pos = sentence.begin(); pos!=sentence.end(); ++pos)


j++; //number of different chars

cout << “Letter “ << pos->second << ” “; //print out the letter and then its occurence code

binary(i-j); //convert the number to binary

cout << endl;


return 0;


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